{weekend getaway: santa monica, ca}

Most people wouldn’t think of hopping a plane from London to California for a “weekend getaway” – even typing it sounds crazy! When I booked tickets to fly in for the Bachelorette Party for one of my best friends, I did feel a little crazy. But even after 10,600 miles of travel in four days, I still would not take a single minute back!

It was a surprise for her no less… which completely sweetened the deal.

I flew in Thursday afternoon a few hours before the rest of the girls were due in. I checked into the hotel (they give warm chocolate chip cookies at check-in with a “Welcome Home” message – how cool is that?!) . I treated myself to a pedicure (lavender toes!) and monster salad:

When the ladies started arriving…I was so excited I was going to burst to surprise Kristin…so off I went armed with a girly bottle of Champagne, plastic glasses and my best “Room Service!!” voice to get her to open the door… after lots of hugs, tears and looks of total shock, I think I’m safe in saying it was a total surprise: 

{above image courtesy Rachael Kruse}

We had so much fun celebrating Kristin thanks to a weekend packed with all kinds of cool events Mckenzie planned. A few highlights:

Brunch + walk along the beach

Drinks, Dinner & Burlesque Show:

Beach Yoga with Brad – this was absolutely one of the most incredible things we did! Although the morning was over-cast and we weren’t sure if the class was going to happen, we grabbed coffees and headed to the beach anyway. The Yoga Instructor, Brad, was hilarious and the few hours we spent at the yoga session was truly a once in a lifetime experience. Oh and halfway through the class – we watched dolphins swim right by us! Dolphins! If you are in the area, it is completely worth the $10 donation to take the class – do it!!

{another one of Rachael’s – she is starting a photography business in the Seattle area if anyone is looking!}

Hanging out by the pool

{above image courtesy Ellen McCleerey}

Games, presents, dressing up for dinner and a night of dancing:

Finished out the weekend with brunch outside, a walk along the boardwalk to Venice Beach for lunch:

Before I knew it, we all headed to the airports and took our separate flights home. I had such a fun weekend seeing some of my best friends in the world. I savored every second and will have memories from this weekend that I will treasure for years!

Hope all is well in your part of the world!

{all images unless otherwise noted are Nouveau originals}