{full of surprises}

Please excuse my absence… last week was crazy while I was wrapping up my last week of work, packing, cleaning and preparing for dog-sitter house guests (hi, Megs!) and trying to tip toe my way around an international surprise for both of our families.

Our surprises went off without a hitch and needless to say, I think they are happy we are home :)

I’m going to duck away for a few days to spend some time slowing down, re-charging and taking in as much of this pretty view as possible while catching up with family and friends.

gig harbor

In the meantime, I have a few guest surprises coming up to keep you entertained while I’m away. Stay tuned!

3 thoughts on “{full of surprises}

  1. Enjoy your time with your families- I love that you surprised them!! I can totally appreciate you taking in that view as much as possible, it’s STUNNING. xx

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